Parents of the world
Webinar 29. oktober 2020 15-17.30

As the first country in the world, the Norwegian Government developed a strategy on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including mental health, as part of its international development assistance in November 2019.
During the recent UN Assembly, Norway received a price for this initiative.
The objective of this webinar is to promote early childhood development by focusing on the parents’ role as important channels to develop future mental capital in a nation. We are happy to have the Norwegian Minister of Development, Mr. Dag-Inge Ulstein with us, in addition to Mrs. Tarun Dua
from WHO.

Welcome and opening by Heidi Westborg Steel, ICDP Norway
The Norwegian NCD strategy and how parents fit into the strategy by Norwegian Minster of Development Dag-Inge Ulstein
The WHO Guidelines; “Improving Early Childhood Development» by Tarun Dua, WHO
Parent programs – what works? by Ragnhild Dybdahl, UiB and OsloMet
What is the magic of ICDP? by Helen Christie, ICDP Norway
PANEL: Where have all the parents gone? with Nora Ingdal, Save the Children Norway, Doji Pradan, ECEC/ICDP Nepal and Birgit Phillips, ADRA.

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Foto: Sondre Kippenes